Monday, October 3, 2011

Squirrel Appreciation Week begins today

While we can appreciate squirrels that can water ski, we don’t appreciate hairy, crazy ants.  Fortunately they’re headed away from us.   The hairy ants are coming from Texas – and taking over backyards in Mississippi. They move much faster than normal ants – and when you kill them, they give off a chemical cue for the rest of pack for the next attack. Experts say if you step on one of the hairy, crazy ants…in a minute your shoe will be covered with a ball of ants.


-We read somewhere once…that all the ants in the world outweigh all the humans in the world. So - if they all go crazy at once….it’s going to be really hairy.

history 101 2

2003: Roy Horn of "Siegfried & Roy" was in critical condition on his 59th birthday following a tiger attack during a performance. The tiger, a 7-year-old male named Montecore, was debuting in his first show.  Obviously a case of opening night jitters!


Music History 101: 1965 - This group became the first western band to perform behind the Iron Curtain. They played in Budapest. It was Manfred Mann.

manfred mann

The 101 number one song of the day was recorded by a one time “Rock Star of the Year” as named by Rolling Stone Magazine which firmly established him as a new face on the scene. Actually, he was an old “face”

At first his dad expected him to be a “footballer” – a pro soccer player but when his career didn’t advance beyond cleaning out lockers and polishing the players’ cleats, he returned to his first love – music. He and guitarist Ron Wood, who would later join the Rolling Stones were pals and they became members of the London band “Faces” but he was always interested in a solo career and three years earlier, he recorded Sam Cooke’s “You Send Me.” In fact, he has said that Sam Cooke was the biggest influence in his life. By 1971, he fulfilled his dream by going out on his own and later that year recorded a two sided hit with the intended “B” side becoming the more popular of the two sides. The “A” side was called “Reason to Believe” and today’s 101 number one song of the day which was at the top of the charts on October 3, 1971 is this: Maggie Mae by Rod Stewart.

Listen for the replay and win on 101 Gold

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