Friday, September 30, 2011

Fly Away Friday!!!


You can win two airline tickets to any U. S. destination on the next Swap or Stop at 5:15 this afternoon.

Meet Peak a Boo at the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley

3551 Bataan Memorial West
Las Cruces, NM 88012-5013
(575) 382-0018

history 101 2

1955: Actor James Dean was killed when his Porsche Spyder 550 collided with another car on Highway 66 near Paso Robles, California. Dean's passenger Roth Weutherich recovered.

james dean

1982: "A Black & White Night" is filmed, a TV special with Bruce Springsteen and Jackson Browne backing the star of the show – Roy Orbison.

orbison and springsteen

The 101 number one song of the day was written especially for one half of a famous duo and the writer brought the song to their producer. Problem is, the producer had just quit working with them out of frustration. 

Today’s song brought back the producer but the other half of the act was on the way out for good.  The producer was Snuff Garrett and had helped the pair get back on the charts for the first time in several years but creative differences with the male member of the act brought the relationship to a premature end. Lyricist Mary Dean didn’t know that when she told Garrett that the female member of the duo was the only person who could do it justice. He agreed and started a process which would bring them back together. Meanwhile, it was the beginning of the end for her and her former partner – both professionally and personally. And that brings us to the song that reached number one this week of October 1973 for Cher – without Sonny (Half Breed)

Listen to 101.1 FM for the replay and win $25 at Lorenzo’s de Mesilla

Today’s Nugget of Knowledge story:


According to Guinness World Records, the largest natural afro in the world has a circumference of 4 feet and 4 inches, and belongs to a 36-year-old social worker from New Orleans. Seated in a room full of disco balls, atop a giant mirrored platform, Aevin Dugas describes the drawbacks of having the world's biggest afro:   It is problematic because when I'm driving I can't see. So that's a problem. One time I slammed my hair in a car door getting in. It gets caught inc lugs. It might get caught in someone's drink. It gets caught in my earrings a lot. It tends to hook on things, like trees, when I'm walking by… It can be kind of problematic, but I still wouldn't change a thing about it.

What afro story would be complete without of picture of Mike back in the 70’s sporting one


But rather then leave you with that image, we’ll leave you William Shatner recording a heavy metal album.  Enjoy, or not.

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