Tuesday, October 4, 2011

International Toot Your Flute Day


Uh, no…not what we mean.  More of a “toot your flute” figuratively as opposed to literally.  It’s a day to promote yourself.


It’s also National Taco Day!


Feel free to continue on to the comment section and tell everyone where your favorite tacos are from.

history 101 2

The Space Age officially began on October 4th, 1957, when the USSR launched the world's first artificial satellite, "Sputnik I."


Not too big but it sure made a big impact!

Music History 101: 1970: A 27 year old rock and roll singer died of an overdose – Janis Joplin.

janis joplin 4

The 101 number one song of the day was recorded by a group that lost its name to Paul Revere and the Raiders so they reverted to something they had used when they were barely in their teens.

They took that name from a song they used to sing but a group of record promoters liked the band but hated the name so eventually they decided to call themselves Rick and the Raiders. They did proms, sock hops and local clubs and eventually did some back up work for the Stangeloves who recommended them to one of the founders of Bang records who had a song that needed a group. They got together and released the song which was number one on October 4, 1965. But this was the same time that Paul Revere and the Raiders was on the rise so they were told to come up with something new. Instead they came up with something old – their original name – The McCoys – Hang on Sloopy.

Listen for the replay and win!

other stuff

Guys will do almost anything to catch a ball at the ball park but it looks like this Taiwanese man caught hell from his wife after dropping his daughter while going after the ball -

Can anyone read lips in Chinese?

Another “Mommie Dearest?”

Martha Stewart’s daughter Alexis has written a new ‘tell-all’ book about growing up with the domestic diva. She says it was tough.


Some of the revelations include on Halloween, Martha would turn off all the lights and pretend they weren’t home so they wouldn’t be bothered by trick-or-treaters; she made her daughter wrap her own Christmas presents, telling her not to look inside the boxes. And here’s a creepy one – Martha always leaves the door open when she’s going to the bathroom – which would gross-out Alexis’ friends when they were visiting.

We’re kind of grossed out just thinking about it!

For her part, Mom says she thinks the book is hilarious and she’s not offended.

Wayne World

A new Las Vegas attraction just got bigger – with new plans to expand the Wayne Newton home attraction. You’ll be able to tour Mr. Vegas’ home…they’re adding a Wayne Newton museum and a theater when the entertainer can give concerts. They’re also adding a car museum for Newton’s car collection – and there will even be a Wayne Newton-themed car wash on the property.



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