Thursday, August 5, 2010

Underwear Day


This blast from the past picture is of a family trying to set a world record for “Kid with the Most Underpants On.”  Don’t know if they were ever officially recognized.  It is also “Work Like a Dog Day” so when you combine the two you get:


Underdog was a favorite of ours and since he doesn’t have a “day” of his own, we’d like to include him today.  Thank you.

The 101 number one song of the Day was so convincing, it was widely assumed that it was the writer/singer’s life story. It wasn’t – and he’s eternally grateful it’s not.  None of the situations, he said, happened to him. For one thing he was never stood up at a church because he never came close to getting married. Nor did he cry at his father’s funeral and his mother was very much alive at the time. It wasn’t what you call a happy song but he was certainly glad that on August 5, 1972 it was the number one song in America for Gilbert O’Sullivan (Along Again – Naturally)

gilbert osullivan alone again single

other stuff…

Governor Bill Richardson is in town today to kick off New Mexico’s Tax Free Weekend

bill richardson 080510

Here he is stopping traffic to let his entourage/escort cars weave through Lohman to get to the Mesilla Valley Mall.  Another item on his plate is whether or not to pardon “Billy the Kid.”


The family of one time Dona Ana County Sheriff Pat Garrett is against the idea.  They say he’d be rolling in his grave (Masonic Cemetery on Brown here in Las Cruces) if a pardon was granted.

Pat Garrett

Okay, they didn’t actually use those words, but they think it would be an affront to law and order if such a bad guy as Billy had his reputation as a “varmint” rehabilitated.  The basis for the request stems from the story that then Governor Lew Wallace promised the Kid a pardon for his testimony in a murder case and that the Guv reneged.  Lew Wallace, BTW, was quite a historical figure himself having been a Civil War general and author of the epic novel “Ben Hur.”

ben hur lew wallace

What do you thing about the proposed pardon?  You can vote on the 101 Gold Poll which is further up the main page on the right.

Here’s something from Weird 101: A guy in Michigan says he passed out drunk and woke up all bloody. His Jack Russell terrier had eaten his big toe. And that ended up saving his life. It turns out his dog had sniffed out an undiagnosed diabetes condition. When the man was rushed to the hospital the doctors found a serious bone infection and were able to amputate the rest of the toe and save his life!  Experts say this is another example of dogs sniffing out cancers and other dangerous medical conditions.


-Of course…to the dog…his toe just looked like a Snausage.

And finally for today, how about this: Wearing red could help men land the woman of their dreams. A new study at the University of Rochester finds that women are attracted to men who wear red. Even though women are unaware of the effect, the study shows there are marked increases in a man’s attractiveness, status, and sexual desirability when women view men in red. The study is based on the responses of 288 female and 25 male undergraduates in a series of experiments asking them to rate the attractiveness, sexual desirability, status, likability, kindness, and other attributes of men pictured in different colored T-shirts and photo frames. The study found that only women viewing men were affected by color; men viewing men were unaffected. However the color red only affected men’s attractiveness and status but not other traits. The color red made men more attractive, more powerful, and more sexually appealing, but did not make them seem more likable or kind.

Hey ladies does this picture get you hot?


red men

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