Monday, November 14, 2011

Lighten Up and Loosen Up Day

lighten up

They’ve got a nerve scheduling this on a Monday.  Then again, we probably need reminding on Mondays most of all!

This is the beginning of  ‘Geography Awareness Week’

world map

Study this.  There’ll be a quiz in the morning.

history 101 2

and speaking of the world: 1889 Inspired by Jules Verne, New York World reporter Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Cochrane) set out to travel around the world in less than 80 days. (She made the trip in 72 days.)


November 14, 2000 - The trial of Michael Abram began. He was charged with breaking and entering and attacking the home’s owner and his wife on December 30, 1999. The owner of the home was George Harrison.

george_harrison 2

The 101 number one song of the day was a one hit wonder by a guy who, in actuality, had a whole string of hits. How can that be?

It was recorded by a man who had lots of success recording other people’s compositions and covering songs that were already hits for someone else. He had so much success, in fact, that he was afraid to record something he had written himself but eventually he took the gamble and it not only became the only hit he ever wrote himself, it became his biggest hit ever and his only chart-topper. And on November 14, 1966 it was the number one song in the land – for Johnny Rivers – “Poor Side of Town.”

Listen for the replay and win!

Other stuff:

Researchers at San Francisco State University have discovered birds are getting bigger. They found birds on average now have more body mass and longer wing-spans. Which is curious, because they say theories on global warming say birds would be getting smaller.

big bird

-This is frightening news. Especially if you park under a tree.

A Japanese toilet maker has created a motorcycle that runs on sewage. The sewage creates a bio-gas that fuels the three-wheeled bike. The seat of the bike is a toilet seat – although they say it’s not for actual use. And the motorcycle is for display at the company’s headquarters – not for sale. But they said they did send the bike on a thousand mile trip around Japan.

toilet bike

Scientists in Switzerland have created a real-life Mighty Mouse through genetic engineering. With one simple genetic fix, they say they produced a mouse with two-times the strength of a normal mouse. They say the mouse is stronger, faster and can run two times the distance without becoming fatigued. They’re excited the experiments may one day have an application for humans.

mighty mouse

-In fact – the only ones not excited about the news…are cats!!!

frightened cat

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