Thursday, October 27, 2011

Navy Day


Always on the birthday of the father of the modern navy – Teddy Roosevelt.

teddy roosevelt

It is also Cranky Coworkers Day.  Who’s your crankiest co-worker?

cranky face

history 101 2

1938: DuPont announces a name for its new synthetic yarn: nylon

nylon stockings

1975 – This rock and roller appeared simultaneously on the cover of "Time" and "Newsweek." Bruce Springsteen.

springsteen covers

The 101 number one song of the day was recorded by today’s feature group and quickly forgotten, literally. When the head of their label told them it would be their biggest hit, at first they couldn’t remember ever recording it.

It was finished in a couple of takes and quickly relegated to album cut status. Soon after, Berry Gordy called them into his office at Motown and told them to be prepared for the biggest hit of their career, one of the members of the quartet, Duke Fakir, remembers trying to figure out what song had the title to which Gordy referred. The group assumed it was a pep talk and didn’t place too much faith in their boss’s prediction. Two weeks later when almost every radio station in America was playing the song they realized he was right. And not just in the U.S. – In Britain, where they had failed to crack the top 20, they were suddenly number one. And on October 27th 1966, it was number one right here in New Mexico – for the Four Tops – “Reach Out, I’ll Be There”

Listen for the Replay and caller #10 wins a spectacular Mariachi Fiesta package.

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