Friday, October 28, 2011

Bring Your Jack-O-Lantern to Work Day


It is also Part Your Hair Crooked and see if anybody notices Day.

crooked hair 002

And here’s the Pet of the Week -

Beemer is a 3 year old female Lab/Great Dane mix and she’s looking for a new permanent home.  She’s at the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley.

3551 Bataan Memorial West
Las Cruces, NM 88012-5013
(575) 382-0018

history 101 2

1793 Eli Whitney applies for a patent for his cotton gin.

cotton gin

A cotton gin (short for cotton engine) is a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds, a job formerly performed by hand. The fibers are processed into cotton goods, and the seeds may be used to grow more cotton.

Music History 101: 1961: A customer asked London record store owner Brian Epstein for a record called "My Bonnie" by a hot new Liverpool band. Epstein didn’t have it, but he went to the Cavern Club to check out the group and signed them a few days later. It was the Beatles.


The 101 number one song of the day was written and performed by a one hit wonder from London whose inspiration about the wasted life of streetwise Lolita from the grittiness of Hollywood Boulevard.

When he was 10, his family moved to Vancouver, British Columbia. In 1971, he and others teamed up to form a band called Sweeney Todd and they struggled in obscurity until legal battles forced him out on his own. He tried to team up with Beatles producer George Martin but that didn’t work out so he wound up with producer Mike Chapman who frankly didn’t think today’s featured single was strong enough to make it. He was wrong but it took 20 long weeks to reach the top where it landed on October 28, 1978 for Nick Gilder – The song: Hot Child in the City

Listen for the replay and win a super Mariachi Fiesta prize package from 101 Gold.

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