Tuesday, October 18, 2011

National Chocolate Cupcake Day.

Pretty lame huh?  So let’s, at least, make it a BIG one!


Also, World Menopause Day.  Found this online:


history 101 2

1867: The U.S. took formal possession of Alaska from Russia. (It was known as “Seward’s Folly”)

alaska purchase

Alaska has more coastline than the other 49 states – combined.

surfing polar bear

-And yet – for some reason – surfing has never really caught on.

Music History 101: 1957 – A band known as the Quarry Men played a gig in Norris Green, Liverpool with a new member – his name - Paul McCartney.


The 101 number one song of the day was recorded by a band headed by a South African jazz pianist named Michael Lubowitz. It was written by the same people who wrote Da Doo Ron Ron and it makes about as much sense.

They were the duo of Jeff Barry and Ellie Greewich. Lubowitz moved from South Africa to Britain after studying at Vienna State Academy and the Juilliard School of Music in New York. He took his formal training and started to Rock and Roll and the song you’re about to hear was number one on October 18, 1964. By this time his name and the name of the band were one and the same: Manfred Mann (Do Wah Diddy Diddy)

Listen for the replay and win Chalet Seating at the Amigo Air Show

And local author Alan Riehl stopped by 101 Gold this morning to talk about his new play

alan riehl

ONLINE is a 20-something play based around Jason Griggs; a young man who treats women like playthings until an argument with his girlfriend Alison, leads to her leaving him for another woman.
Jason's ego takes over as he attempts to track her exploits on a social networking website called Facespace. With the help of his Psych Major friend Heather, and "not the sharpest tool in the shed" friend Grant, Jason creates a female persona to join Facespace and infiltrate the Lesbian clique.
Jason ends up biting off more than he can chew and ends up experiencing more than he bargains for.

online the play

The play opens October 21st at Mikey’s Place 3100 Harrelson.  For more info and tickets call (575) 640 3869.

And finally, I mentioned an article in Sunday’s Sun-News about the new slogan for Las Cruces, “Stay Sunny.”  The author, a native Las Crucen, Tracy Jamison found it somewhat lacking.  But it is hard to capture what this wonderful place in a slogan.  But I got a chuckle when Bob put a comment on Facebook page: “Las Cruces: Always willing to show you our Organs.”


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