Thursday, October 20, 2011

Get Smart About Credit Day

cut up credit card

Thursday, October 20th is National Get Smart About Credit Day. This is an annual event sponsored by the American Bankers Association Education Foundation where local bankers visit classrooms to deliver a lesson plan on financial education, specifically credit.  To learn more, just click.

Today is  also ‘Information Overload Day’

info overload two

-The organizers want everyone to send 10% fewer emails. They say writing, receiving,  forwarding and responding to emails accounts for 28-billion hours of lost  productivity in the US every year. We thought – that’s horrible…and immediately sent it to twenty friends. We’ve got to put a stop to this!!

history 101 2

1944: General Douglas MacArthur made his triumphant return to the Philippines on this day two and a half years after he had proclaimed, "I shall return."

mac arthur returns

and music history 101: 1977: three members of a southern rock group were killed in the crash of their chartered plane near McComb, Mississippi. (Lynyrd Skynyrd) (Ronnie Van Zant, Steve and Cassie Gaines.)

skynyrd plane crash

The 101 number one song of the day came from an album which was named after roadkill which wound up on somebody’s dinner table.

The song you’re about to hear, as well as the entire album, was recorded in Jamaica where one of the members of the group explained that the title of the LP referred to a local delicacy of a run-down goat scraped from the road and boiled up as an entrĂ©e. Goat’s Head Soup is the album name and one of the single’s arrived at number one on October 20, 1973 for the Rolling Stones – “Angie.”

Listen for the replay–10th caller wins 2 Chalet seating tickets to Amigo Air sho (a $100 value!)

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