Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today is Observe the Speed Limit Day



It’s a day to slow down and see if you can drive legally for 24 hours, and then declare yourself a Law-Abiding Citizen.

It is also Throw Away Something Day. Or give away something if you prefer. It's a good day to reduce the clutter in your life.


That’s some serious clutter!

history 101 2

A famous phrase originated on September 21, 1897, when "New York Sun" columnist Francis Church answered a letter from eight year-old Virginia O'Hanlon concerning the existence of Santa Claus, with the line: "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."


Music History 101: 2004: Yusuf Islam, was taken off a London-to-Washington United Airlines flight because his name had appeared on a government "no-fly" list. Yusuf was once known as singer Cat Stevens.


The 101 number one song of the day was recorded by a group that wanted to play hard rock but the crowd kept calling for something else. They gave ‘em what they wanted and got a huge hit in the bargain.

The year was 1976 and a new musical age was dawning. The group was just getting started and they kept on getting gigs at discos. They’d start out playing their kind of music but the crowds had something else in mind. Finally, their leader, Bob Parissi grabbed a bar order pad and scribbled down some words. The song not only delighted the live audience, it took the new group right to the top of the American charts and on September 21, 1976 it was the number one station in the land. And the call from the crowd: “Play that Funky Music, White Boy” (Wild Cherry)

Listen for the replay and win today on 101 Gold!

An easy way to eat less:

eat less

It starts with a single potato chip.  After some rapid-fire munching, you find your fingers coated in oil and salt.  Before you know it, you’ve devoured an entire bag of chips while you're sitting in front of the TV.  Or maybe your food of passion is ice cream or pizza. Regardless, it’s caloric overload when you've polished off an entire large container all by yourself.  Mindless eating becomes a habit when people shovel food into their mouths, blissfully unaware of how much they’re eating, how full they feel and what the food actually tastes like.  Here’s  a suggestion from one study: Switch hands.   Using the non-dominant hand seems to disrupt eating habits and cause people to pay attention to what they were eating, University of Southern California researchers found during a series of experiments in movie theaters.


People who snacked using their nondominant hands reduced about 30% of their total intake, compared with those using their dominant hands, according to the study, which was published online in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Are You Allergic To Wi-Fi?

An acute Wi-Fi allergy is apparently plaguing 5% of Americans. EHS, or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, is a condition defined by headaches, muscle spasms, burning skin and chronic pain. The cause is over-exposure to mobile phones, wireless internet and the satellites and cell phone towers that keep them pumping. Although the cell phone and Wi-Fi industries insist that the condition is purely psychological, sufferers of EHS insist that it’s real and unbearable. But there’s a quiet, hilly place in West Virginia where Wi-Fi refugees can find relief. In the Allegheny Mountains, Green Bank’s populace doesn’t have to worry about EHS because they live within the National Radio Quiet Zone, where wireless is banned across 13,000 square miles to prevent transmissions interfering with several radio telescopes, including those of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and others used by the military and spy agencies at the U.S. Navy Information Operations Command. The quiet zone was established in 1958. For anyone not living in a place like Green Bank, they say they must resort to staying indoors, separated from the rest of the world using a Faraday Cage, built of wire mesh that blocks out radio waves. Sweden is currently the only country that recognizes EHS as a real syndrome.

No more peanuts on planes, next no wi-fi!

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