Thursday, August 11, 2011

National Play in the Sand Day

Here’s what we built behind the 101 Gold Studios


Pretty impressive, huh.

History 101: 1984 While testing a microphone, President Reagan says "My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in 5 minutes." The comments accidentally air, causing an international uproar.


Music History 101: 1972: This famous couple filed for divorce. They had married in May of 1967. Her name - Priscilla, his was Elvis…

elvis and priscilla

The 101 number one song of the day was recorded by a British Group in Britain but was considered “too ethnic” to even make it on the charts there. America loved it, though.

The group was considered too teeny-bopper to be taken seriously by many despite the fact they worked closely with some of England’s most respected musicians and writers. Aside from working with Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones in the studio, they recorded songs by Ray Davies of the Kinks and Donovan. But the song you’re about to hear pre-dated those two contemporary artists by about fifty years. It was an authentic music hall song written in 1911. And on August 11, 1965 it was the number one song in the U.S. for Herman’s Hermits – “I’m Henry VIII, I Am”

Listen for the replay and win!

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