Thursday, July 28, 2011

Today is National Shampoo Outdoors Day


It looks like we might get an outdoor shower today.

National Milk Chocolate Day.


That reminds us of a joke:

A woman was driving home from a business trip in northern Arizona. She saw a Navajo woman walking on the side of the road. She stopped and asked the elderly woman if she would like a ride. With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car.

Resuming the journey, the businesswoman tried in vain to engage the Navajo woman in conversation. The woman just sat in silence, looking intently at scenery and at the interior of the car. She soon noticed a white bag on the seat next to the businesswoman.

“What in bag?” asked the Navajo woman.

The businesswoman responded, “It’s a box of chocolates. I got it for my husband.”


The Navajo woman was silent for a moment. Then, speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder, she said, “Good trade.”

Congressman Steve Pearce called 101 Gold this morning from his office in Washington to talk about the progress (or lack thereof) of the Debt Ceiling Crisis talks.  You call listen here: Steve Pearce Thursday 072811

steve pearce

History 101: 1945: A U.S. Army bomber crashes into the 79th floor of New York's Empire State Building, killing 14 people.


Music History 101: 38 years ago today, history's largest-ever rock festival got underway at Watkins Glen Raceway in New York -- 600,000 attended to watch headliners The Grateful Dead, The Band and The Allman Brothers.


The 101 number one song of the day was recorded by a group whose first reaction to the lyrics was “What are they trying to do to us?”

They actually were given a choice between the song you’re about to hear and John Sebastian’s “Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?” which, of course, wound up a big hit for the Lovin’ Spoonful, and despite the fact they thought the words were very corny, the decided to take a pass on Sebastian and go for goofy…although America thought otherwise and so have a number of other musicians who have covered the song over the years including Jimmi Hendrix.  The song that vaulted to number one in the last week of July 1966 for the Troggs ---“Wild Thing.”

Listen for the 101 Number One Song of the Day Replay and Win!

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