Friday, July 29, 2011



On this day in 1958, President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act which created NASA.  101 Gold salutes all NASA employees, especially those at the facility here in Las Cruces.

Today is also National Photograph Your Children When They're Not Looking Day.

candid kid

And Talk in the Elevator Day.

elevator taling

And since it’s Friday, we had a couple of visitors from the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley.

cat - cory

The man in the hat is City Councilman Miguel Silva who is holding “Cory.”  Miguel is spoken for but Cory is looking for a new home.  How about yours?

History 101: 1945 - Near Leyte Gulf, the U.S. heavy cruiser "Indianapolis" was torpedoed and sunk by a Japanese submarine. Of the crew of 1,199 men, only 316 survived. Several days earlier, the Indianapolis had delivered the makings for the first atomic bomb to Tinian Island.


Music History 101: 1974 Ellen Naomi Cohen was found dead in a London hotel room. Contrary to rumors that circulated at the time she did NOT choke on a ham sandwich. She died of a heart attack. She was known to her public as Cass Elliott -Mama Cass Elliott

mama cass

The 101 number one was written and recorded by a young Canadian who found fame and fortune by the time he was 17 but as time went on, his fame lessened but that fortune grew – dramatically- because of the music he wrote for others. 

In 1958, he wrote a song for his friend, Buddy Holly, “That’ll Be the Day.” Much later he wrote Tom Jones biggest hit, “She’s A Lady.” In the sixties, he bought the rights to a melody written in France, and wrote new words to a song that would become a signature song for Frank Sinatra AND Elvis Presley. He would earn thousands every year for the music Johnny Carson would use each night as the theme to “The Tonight Show.” But on July 29th, 1959 – a few months shy of his 18th birthday, his name was on the record label of the number one song in America – it was Paul Anka and the song, was “Lonely Boy.”

Listen for the Replay and Win! Only on 101 Gold.

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