Friday, July 8, 2011

Don’t Step on the Cracks Day…

don't step on cracks

…not because it's bad luck, but just to see if you can do it.

It’s also Doggie Day…around here anyway.  Well, often it’s a dog but sometimes it’s a cat but today City Councilman Miguel Silva (who’s doing volunteer work for the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley) brought by little Rosalyn.

dog - rozalind

She’s a bit hard to see but close up she’s very cute and sweet.  Unfortunately, she’s heart worm positive so treatment will be required but she can be seen up close at the ASCMV which opens each day at noon.

History 101: A press release issued on this date in 1947 by William Blanchard, Commander of the US 509th Bomb Group, stated that the wreckage of a crashed flying saucer had been recovered near Roswell, New Mexico -- hours later the release was rescinded and a new one issued saying the military had mistaken a weather balloon for an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

aliens at roswell newspaperroswell_new_mexico_alien_sighting_speckcase-p176334087619706702vu9ql_400

Music History 101: 1995: Robert Weston Smith was laid to rest in Belvidere, North Carolina with his own gravelly voice blaring from a boombox. He was much better known as “Wolfman Jack.”

wolfman jack

The 101 number one song of the day got it start in the bathroom – not because of the acoustics but because its writer and singer was making toilet seats at the time.

He was a late bloomer who was working for Boeing manufacturing the fixtures for 747s when he got his first record contract at age 32. Even after the success of his first album which produced two major hits including the one you’re about to hear, he still felt more like a factory worker than a performer and had the feeling he’d be picking up his toolbox and putting down his guitar at any time. He didn’t and on July 8, 1972 he owned the number one record in the land…It’s Bill Withers and (Lean on Me)

Today the prize for the 101 # 1 Song of the Day Replay is tickets to the Temptations concert.

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