Monday, November 22, 2010

Today is National Go for A Ride Day.


Better Conversation Week begins today.


History 101:  If you were old enough in 1963 you remember exactly what you were doing on November 22nd: U.S. President John F. Kennedy, only 46 and in the third year of his first term, was assassinated during a motorcade in Dallas.

kennedy motorcade

Aboard Air Force One on the tarmack at Dallas Love Field, Judge Sarah Hughs swore in Vice President Lyndon Johnson as the nation's 36th president with the widow Jacqueline Kennedy by his side.


Music History 101: November 22nd, 1968: The Beatles released their 29-song double album entitled "The Beatles," which became known as "The White Album."


The 101 number one song of the day won an Oscar for its creator but what he really wanted was the lead role in the movie for which it was written.  He was invited by MGM executives to discuss a novel they had acquired. He thought he was being interviewed to star in the movie but during their meeting he agreed to write the score for the film about a black action hero. Instead, a few weeks later he was informed that actor Richard Roundtree had been cast in the role. Although disappointed, he had already committed himself to writing the music, so he fulfilled his obligation. It would go on to win an academy award for best song but by then it had already risen to number one on Billboard’s Hot 100 where it was on November 22, 1971 – Isaac Hayes (Shaft)


Other stuff:

Every year the President pardons the official White House Thanksgiving turkey. For the last several years, the turkey had traveled to California after the pardon – to appear as the guest of honor at the Disneyland Thanksgiving parade – as ‘the happiest turkey on earth!’ But this year – the Disney folks say they’re not interested anymore…so the lucky turkey is going to George Washington’s Mt. Vernon estate…where he will live out his years in a custom-made enclosure.


-Let’s face it…nobody gets very excited anymore…seeing turkeys from Washington.

Singer Joan Baez was hospitalized after falling 20 feet out of her tree house. The 69-year old Baez had built a tree house without walls on her property so that she could sleep closer to the birds. But she apparently fell while climbing down from the tree. She was taken to the hospital, treated and released.


She now joins Keith Richards on the list of aging musicians that shouldn’t be up in trees.

Forty American millionaires that call themselves – Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength have signed onto a campaign – asking the government to raise their taxes. The list that includes both Ben and Jerry is calling on the President to not extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the super wealthy – saying they want their money going to the government.


weekend box office:

1. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1”

$125.1 million


2. “Megamind”

$16.2 million

3. “Unstoppable”

$13.1 million

4. “Due Date”

$9.2 million

5. “The Next Three Days”

$6.8 million

Jeff Buske has invented a special kind of underwear – with a strategically placed fig leaf – to get you through airport screeners with your dignity intact. Buske says his invention uses metal that protects people’s privacy when undergoing medical or security screenings. He adds that the underwear’s inserts are thin and confirm to the body, making it difficult to hide anything underneath them, except what you already have. The mix of tungsten and other metals do not set off metal detectors either. The men’s design has the fig leaf, while the one for women comes in the shape of clasped hands.

special underwear

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