Tuesday, October 5, 2010

World Teacher Day


Have you ever heard the story of the teacher, Mrs. Thompson, and her student, Teddy Stollard?  If you have, you would not forget it.  If you haven’t, take a few moments and click on this link.  It will be a few moments very well spent.


Thanks to Eric Ness who stopped by the 101 Gold studios today to spend some time with us to talk about Cowboys’ for Cancer Research and the team roping competition.  The Dinner/Dance is Friday (10/8) at the Dickerson’s Event Center and The Team Roping Event is Saturday (10/9) at Sproul Arena.

cowboys belt buckle

For more information go to: http://www.cowboysforcancerresearch.org/

The 101 number one song of the day was recorded by an artist who was labeled some as arrogant and conceited because he announced he wanted to be a legend by the time he was 25 years old. But it wasn’t conceit that drove him – it was a rush against time. Walden Robert Cassoto was born in a Foundling Hospital for unwed mothers. When he was brought home by his 17 year old mother, she assumed the role of “sister” and her mother raised him as her own son. As a child, he suffered from rheumatic fever attacks and as a young adult he had a history of heart trouble and he truly believed that he wouldn’t live beyond thirty. He made it to age 37. But in that span of time, he excelled not only in music but also on TV as host of his own prime time show and in motion pictures where he was nominated for an Oscar for his role in the movie “Captain Newman, M.D.” But most will remember him for the song which reached number one on October 5, 1959 stayed there for nine weeks and earned him two Grammy awards. Bobby Darin “Mack the Knife”

bobby darin

101 Gold Nugget of Knowledge: A Memphis man faces aggravated assault charges for allegedly shooting a teenager in the rear when the teen refused to pull up his saggy pants. Kenneth Bonds, 45, was charged Saturday with two counts of aggravated assault. Police said Bonds argued with two teenagers, ages 16 and 17, last week while they were walking to a store. Bonds allegedly pulled a black semiautomatic pistol from his waistband and fired at the teen as they ran away. One of the bullets struck the 17-year-old in his buttocks and exited through his thigh. The kid will live and Bonds was arrested.

Other stuff:

Have you ever worked on your laptop with it sitting on your lap? If so, you might want to think about changing the way you use it after you hear this. Swiss researchers say using a laptop that sets directly on your lap can cause “toasted skin syndrome.” One student who used her laptop setting on her legs for up to six hours a day registered a temperature of 125 degrees Fahrenheit. That case, from 2007, is one of 10 laptop-related cases that have been reported in medical journals over the last six years. Doctors say the condition also can be caused by overuse of heating pads. For the most part it’s harmless, but it can cause permanent skin darkening in very rare cases. It can also cause damage leading to skin cancers.


Voters around the world often joke about having clowns for politicians, but Brazilians took it one step further on Sunday by sending a real one to Congress with more votes than any other candidate. Francisco Everardo Oliveira Silva, better known by his clown name “Triririca,” received more than 1.3 million votes in Sao Paulo state in Brazil’s presidential and congressional elections. That was more than double the votes of the second-place candidate. The government’s newest clown ran on the slogan: “It can’t get any worse” and a promise to do nothing more in Congress than report back to them on how politicians spend their time – clowning around.


Wheeled luggage is 40 years old this month. It all started with a man named Bernard Sadow who was returning from a Caribbean trip…and stuck toting two heavy suitcases through the Puerto Rico airport. As he was struggling…he saw a porter walk by with luggage on a dolly. He went back to New York and worked on his idea…but the stores he presented it to thought he was crazy – saying nobody would buy luggage with wheels. In 1972 – Macy’s finally agreed to sell his luggage. But the concept didn’t really take off until 20 years later…when somebody added the retractable handle.


You’ve heard of ‘speed dating’ right? Singles that meet each other briefly during organized events to see if there’s a connection. Well – in Vermont, organic farmers are trying ‘weed dating’. That’s where single farmers meet each other while weeding a garden. They weed one row of the garden and then switch to new partners. The Organic Farming Association of Vermont sponsors the events – saying it’s hard for single farmers to meet each other because they don’t have typical 9 to 5 jobs.


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