Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lots of activity in town this weekend…

…including a screening of the true story “Tragedy in Tin Can Holler” at the Rio Grande Theatre tomorrow night (Friday) at 7.   It’s a benefit for La Casa, Inc. which administers programs for domestic violence victims and offenders in the Mesilla Valley.


In the studio this morning was the author, Rozetta Mowery, whose mother was killed by her father when she was seven years old.  It is a compelling story and one that, sadly, repeats itself today everywhere, even in Dona Ana County as Patricia McClure, Resource Development Manager of La Casa can attest.  Also in the 101 Gold studios was Mark Vasconcellos who made the documentary.


left to right: KC, Mark Vasconcellos, Rozetta Mowery, Patricia McClure.  Read more at:

On a lighter note, and also downtown tomorrow night, it’s the opening of a new production at Las Cruces Community Theater: Vintage Hitchcock: A Live Radio Play.  It’s an adaptation of three early films directed by Alfred Hitchcock. 


In the studio with were three of the players: Joe Pfieffer, Robert Senegal and Barton Mindenhall.  As usual, opening night is Gala Night which includes a light supper and refreshments with the cast.  Tickets are $10 for adults, $9 for students/seniors/military, $8 groups of ten or more and $7 for children six and under.  For more info go to:

Music History 101:  1982: "A Black & White Night" is filmed, a TV special with Bruce Springsteen and Jackson Browne backing the star of the show – Roy Orbison

roy-orbison b&w

The 101 number one song of the day was never finished and wasn’t supposed to be a hit – but it was for a guy who had the Mamas and Papas as back up singers.  The writers recorded a rough vocal so the singer could hear it before the final mix. A copy of that version got into the hands of a record label executive who turned over to a guy who worked for LA radio station KFWB. Within hours, the song, which was supposed to be a flip side to another – as yet undecided – song – was playing on the air and while the head of the record company was furious, it was too late. But nobody else seemed to care and the record was on its way to number one where it sat on September 30, 1965. Today’s featured singer had introduced the Mamas and Papas to the record label president who signed them and their first duties were to sing back up vocals for the man who got them their first contract. That earned him a mention in their autobiographical song “Creeque Alley” but after today’s song, he never had another hit – Barry McGuire and “The Eve of Destruction.”

barry mcguire

The 101 Gold Nugget of Knowledge: This just in from India, where the city of Delhi is getting ready to host the Commonwealth Games. But they have a problem with stray monkeys. The monkeys there are considered sacred – so nobody tries to catch them – and they’ve become a huge problem is the city. So the city is training even larger monkeys – black-faced langurs – to chase the smaller monkeys away. So they actually have a monkey police force.


Would your life be different if you had a different name? Morgan Spurlock has a new movie out called ‘Freakanomics’ and shows in the documentary that your name affects how people perceive you – and that can affect your life. For example they sent blind resumes to companies…the same resume with different names. The resumes that had ‘African-American sounding names’ were called back for interviews 35% less often. And he says the same is true for red-neck sounding names. He says you should maybe put your name down as Robert Joseph…instead of Bobbie Joe.


-Unless, of course…you’re sending your resume to NASCAR.

and finally, as usual we’ll have a visit from the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley tomorrow but in the meantime I’m posting this email from Lucille Getz.  In addition to owning and operating Getz Funeral Home and Forever Friends Pet Services, Terry and Lucille Getz have adopted and fostered many homeless animals over the years but they can use your help now:

In August we found a dog that didn't move for like 5 hours (actually, we thought it/she was a log) in the pecan field, she stayed with us for about 3 weeks and is an amazing, loving girl ... some nice people helped us and, now, 13 healthy pups later, they need for us to help them find homes for the "Lady" and her "kids" ... there are some pictures attached. I have some great pics of Lady, if anyone is interested. If you know someone who would want a good size (like 70/80 lbs) dog or dogs ... mom is like a shepherd/lab mix, dad is a big question ... the pups are black, brown and fawn ... one brown pup even has two blue eyes. "Lady" may have been one of the "ladies of the night" on Picacho given the range of color and eyes! As far as Lady ... without a leash she would follow Terry everywhere whether he was walking or on a tractor ... we, unfortunately, had a horse die during the time that she was with us and Lady laid by Velvet licking her face until we moved Lady for her own safety. She is very cool and, personally, I'd love to have her back; however, we have two rescue dogs that we got within a day of each other that have shown themselves to be true soul mates ... they didn't understand a 3rd dog especially a hormonal one! ;-)  Any help would be appreciated ....
Have a great day!

Here’s a picture of just one of the pups (they’re all adorable.)

getz puppy

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