Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Autumn begins this evening at 9:09

At that precise moment the staff of 101 Gold will get naked and dance around one of the benches at Burn Lake.

It is also Dear Diary Day, a day to write it down. You'll be glad you did.


And elephant appreciation day.


History 101 - on September 22, 1983, two brothers who had had a very public falling out ten years before, reunited for the first time since one had walked off the stage in disgust – Phil and Don Everly… 


The 101 number one song of the day made the biggest one week jump on Billboard’s Hot 100 of any single in history. It entered the chart at #81 and the next week was #7. This 74 point leap has never been equaled.  It was based on actual confrontation between a young mother and public officials in a small town and it became such a big hit that they made a movie ten years later starring Barbara Eden which eventually became a weekly TV show. The song was written by Tom T.Hall who had been peddling songs in Nashville for nearly 10 years with very little success. It made his career and launched the career of an unknown singer from Anson, TX. It was number one on September 22, 1968 and the singer’s only pop hit but she wanted to be a country star anyway…Jeannie C. Riley (Harper Valley PTA)


Other stuff:

Obesity is bad for your health – we’ve all heard that before. Now a new study says it also hurts in the wallet. Researchers added things up like lower salaries for obese people, sick days, doctor visits and even extra gas for the car. They say obesity costs women an extra $4,879 a year. For obese men, the added cost is $2,646 a year.


-There are a few instances where obese people make out better. Like the all-you-can-eat buffet. We’re making out like bandits there!!

How bad is the economy? The Liberace Museum in Las Vegas is closing. The museum was open for 31 years – showcasing the life of ‘Mr. Entertainment’. The museum curator said at one point, just under half a million people visited the museum every year. That number’s been down recently to only 50,000 a year.


-The Liberace Museum is one of those places most people have never seen. And those that have been there…don’t necessarily admit it.

Medical marijuana growers in California are now part of the Teamsters’ Union. In return, the SEIU, the state’s largest union of government employees announced they’re backing a vote in November to legalize marijuana in the state for recreational purposes.


-What is that – the pot growers local 420?

Airbus in Europe is working on a revolutionary new see-through plane. They say the plane’s skin would be made from a high tech ceramic material – and when the pilot passed an electric charge through the material – it would become transparent. They say the design would allow the passengers to look through the plane at the landscape below – saying people would get to experience flight in an entirely new way.    -If by that they mean…totally freaked out…I’d say probably so.


This picture was taken BEFORE the pilot pushed the button.

and finally, we discussed the news that Lincoln County voters approved the special sales tax increase by 420 votes to use public money to subsidize Ruidoso Downs Racetrack and Casino.  It raises an interesting point.  While it’s not surprising that many business owners and residents as well have an interest in keeping the Racetrack where it is, does it not go somewhat against the grain to spend tax money to subsidize a gambling business?


What do you think?

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