Friday, November 12, 2010

How about a good home for -



She’s about a year and a half old and full grown although she looks like a puppy.  She’s a little shy, not nervous and she’d probably get very comfortable in your home in no time at all.  Because of her size she might be a little intimidated around small children who sometimes have a tendency to come on a bit strong.  Kasja (pronounced Kasha) is at the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley at 3551 Bataan Memorial Highway in Las Cruces.

History 101, November 12th, 1954 Ellis Island closes after processing more than 20 million immigrants since 1892.

ellis island

Music History 101: November 12th, 1987: This rock star was arrested at his comeback concert in Los Angeles for non-payment of child support. Sly Stone


The 101 number one song of the day almost didn’t get to be a hit at all because program directors at radio stations across the country were reluctant to play it until the felt they felt they no longer had a choice ---the public demanded it. Even though this was during the seventies, the content still seemed to racy for airplay. But stations were inundated by listener requests and eventually, the song found its way onto the air in more and more places. As a result, it quickly rose to the top of Billboard’s Top 100. It would become today’s featured artist’s second number one hit when it landed on top this week in 1976 where it stayed for 8 full weeks. Here’s Rod Stewart with “Tonight’s the Night”

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