Thursday, September 2, 2010

Calendar Correction Day

September 2nd, 1752 was followed by Thursday, September 14th, 1752 because of an error introduced into the calendar in 1582.  A lot of folks missed their birthday that year.

sad baby pix

The 101 number one song of the day was written and performed by a Georgian who at first refused to go on the road to promote it because he didn’t want give up his seniority at his $70 dollars a week job.  He liked both his job, and making music. In fact, his boyhood friends included eventual hitmakers Billy Joe Royal, Mac Davis, Joe South and Ray Stevens but it was Buddy Holly who was his biggest influence. The song you’re about to hear was originally released as a single two years before it got to number one but the record company which put it out didn’t have the resources to pull off a national hit. Later, an Atlanta disc jockey introduced him to an executive at ABC-Paramount who signed him to that label. Fine he said but he didn’t want to leave his job soldering wires for GE. An offer of a $5000 advance changed his mind and soon he was on the road to number one. And on September 2, 1962 that’s where it was – Tommy Roe (Sheila)

Tommy Roe - Sheila-front

Other stuff:

He was known as Bush’s

brain 2

Karl Rove is in town today speaking at the Domenici Public Policy Conference at NMSU.

karl rove

Along with host, former U. S. Senator from New Mexico, Pete Domenici, a number of other notables are here: Sam Donaldson, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Diane Denish and Susana Martinez (well, Susana Martinez is in town pretty much all the time.)

There was news this morning of the Las Cruces judge who was “suspended retroactively” for a number alleged offensives including yelling at defendants-


and sleeping while on the bench…sleeping judge so we were wondering if he was merely “nodding off” or did he actually lie down on the bench?

Here’s who they couldn’t get to dance on this season’s Dancing With The Stars, according to someone that works in the show’s casting office. They made offers but were turned down by Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, Sylvester Stallone, Ann Coulter, Erin Brockovich, Richard Branson, Tim Allen, Suzanne Somers and Condoleeza Rice.  We know Condi is a concert pianist -


and Suzanne Somers keeps her legs in shape

thigh master

-but they got David Hasselhoff…so who cares??

Did you hear about the exploding houseplant?  A house fire in Little Rock, Arkansas did $20,000 in damage…and the insurance company investigated. It wasn’t a coffee pot left on…or a short in a wire. They blamed the blaze on an exploding house plant. They say the dried out, dead plant caused the decomposition of organic matter – and it exploded in flames. Kind of the plant version of spontaneous combustion. The owner of the house said the plant died in 2007 – and his wife kept promising to get another one.

-Wow, that’ll remind you to water the plants, huh?


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