Thursday, November 17, 2011

Great American Smokeout

smoke out 2

Think of all the money you’ll save if you’re NOT out smoking!


National Take A Hike Day


Give up smoking and hiking will be a lot more enjoyable.

history 101 2

1973: U.S. President Richard Nixon told Associated Press managing editors in Orlando, Florida, "People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook."

nixon no a crook

BTW, we had a list of people/things more popular than our current Congress and Richard Nixon, at his depths during Watergate, received a 24% approval rating from the public.  That compares with the Congressional approval rating of 9% which is actually 2% lower than a survey in which 11% approved of the idea of the USA becoming a communist country!

hammer and sickel

1990: This rock and roller was rocked bigtime when he crashed his motorcycle in Los Angeles and broke a shoulder, left leg, and ankle. Police said the speeding singer wasn't wearing a helmet, either. It was David Crosby.

david crosby on motorcycle

The 101 number one song of the day was supposedly inspired by a line in a movie spoken by Clark Gable. It was recorded by a group that recorded at various times under 13 different names.

Among them were the Variatones, The Four Lovers, Billy Dixon and the Topics and the Village Voices. Even after the struggling years and they were established as one of America’s most successful groups they resorted to a false name one more time with a 1965 released of Bob Dylan’s “Don’t Think Twice” under the name the Wonder Who? On November 17, 1962 they reached the top of the chart for the second time in their career with the song inspired by a line in a movie which happened to be, “Big girls don’t cry” -- The Four Seasons.

Listen for the replay and win!

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