Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Plan Your Epitaph Day


history 101 2

1992: Fire erupted at Windsor Castle, Queen Elizabeth's official residence west of London, causing much damage. The queen and Prince Andrew pitched in to help save priceless artworks and other valuables housed in the fortress.

windsor castle on fire

1955: This singer sang live on The Ed Sullivan Show, and though he had rehearsed and promised Sullivan he would sing "16 Tons," which Ed preferred, he played his signature song which Ed did not like. Bo Diddley sang and played "Bo Diddley"


The 101 number one song of the day was a true case of life imitating art. And it was recorded by a mother and stepson who barely knew each other until they started working together.

It reached number one two months to the day after the TV show debuted for which it was created. In the show, Mom is asked to help her kids out after they form a garage band. The song goes to number one and the rest is Hollywood history and true life history as well. The mom had married the lead singer’s dad. The son, however, had lived with his natural mother until he was cast for the role in the TV show. The producers were hesitant to tell the woman who was cast at the series mom because they had no idea of what kind of relationship they had. In truth, they had virtually no relationship until their TV family was created and they became close as adults. The song reached number one this week in 1970 for Shirley Jones, David Cassidy and the rest of the “Partridge Family” (I Think I Love You)

Listen for the replay and win Novembrew tickets

Other Stuff:

God bless the Kardashians – they’ve made success with no discernible talent a realistic goal for all of us. Now the family says they’re coming out with the Kardashian Homewares Kollection (yep-with a ‘K’). The Kardashian name will be on items like bath mats, picture frames, sheets and towels…even window blinds and kitchen knives. Their retail partner in the venture has not been announced yet.


-Here’s the cool part…if the sheets aren’t a good fit…you can return them – after 72 days!!

Scientists have figured out why we cringe when we hear fingernails on a blackboard. A new study blames psychology and the design of our ear canals. They found the sound actually changes our skin conductivity…and the medium pitched noise can raise our heart rate and blood pressure. Besides nails on a blackboard…similar physical reactions come from Styrofoam squeaks…chalk on slate…and a fork being scraped on a plate. And this is interesting – if you see the nails being dragged across the blackboard…you react stronger than if you just hear it. So seeing it – and anticipating it…heightens your response.

fingers on a chalkboard

Other disturbing sounds…those coming from the stall next to you in a public restroom we can do without.

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