Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!


Count your blessings and be thankful.  When we stop and take the time to think about those things for which we are thankful, the list is longer than we expect.

We thank you for your generosity in giving to the Coats for Kids Campaign and we thank you for your support for the Toys for Kids Parade.  Here are just some of the toys collected last Sunday -


The staff at 101 Gold and Bravo Mic Communications got together the other day for our turkey dinner.  Here’s Mike carving the bird.


history 101 2

1903: Singer Enrico Caruso made his American debut at New York's Metropolitan Opera House in "Rigoletto."


1964: another banned band from the BBC. They were axed for being late to two live radio shows. It was Ed Sullivan’s least favorite rock and roll group: The Rolling Stones.

rolling stones - early

The 101 song of the day was written and performed by a guy who once got Kris Kristofferson a job – as a janitor. 

He’d been working at the Columbia Records’ studio in Nashville trying to get some of the songs he’d written recorded and while there he did odd jobs including mopping the floor and cleaning bathrooms. He started to move up a bit and passed his janitorial duties onto a fellow struggling songwriter and Rhodes Scholar Kris Kristofferson. Kris didn’t hold that job too long and when he made it big, he asked today’s featured artist to join his band. Later, when he got married, Kris and Rita Coolidge bought him a little organ on which he wrote the song that put his own name up in lights and arrived at number one on November 23, 1974 – His name is Billy Swan and here’s your 101 number one song of the day (I Can Help)

Listen for the replay and call 527 1011. Caller #10 wins a Pit Stop Gift Certificate

Other stuff:

We’ve been talking about that story about the guy (living as a woman) who was injecting a concoction of tire sealant, glue and cement into ladies butts or order to enhance their posteriors.  She (he?) perfected the method on herself.  Here are the mugshots -

cement butt

Ladies, after looking at this would you be tempted to have the procedure done on yourself?

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