Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day


Schools are in session but city, county, state, and federal offices are closed (they get them all don’t they?)

Today is also ‘Kick Butt Day’.   Not as in -

smoke out

It’s actually a day to kick ourselves in the butts for not accomplishing our goals…and recommit ourselves to achieving them.

kick butt

so kick but AND take names!

history 101 2

1886: The tuxedo dinner jacket made its American debut at the autumn ball in Tuxedo Park, New York.


Music History 101: 1965 – This trio from Detroit made their first appearance on the "Ed Sullivan Show." They were a big hit: The Supremes.

edsullivan and supremes

The 101 number one song of the day was inspired by a tale of an Indian tribe whose members included far more men than women and how they coped with that situation. 

The one time pre med student at New York University was in Canada when a medical missionary told him that the men who did not have women would buy bottles of rose wine which would become their women for the weekend. We’re not quite sure if the wine made them forget their predicament or the bottle in which it came was some sort of substitute but in any event, the song that grew out of that story reached number one on October 10, 1970 for Neil Diamond and here’s your 101 number one song of the day. (Cracklin’ Rosie)

Listen for the replay and win on 101 Gold

Other Stuff:

The Aggies have been concerned with their inability to sell out the Pan American Center during basketball games so they’ve come up with an ingenious solution.

aggies basketball

Remove seats!  Current capacity is 12,516 and that will shrink to 8,994 this season.  Last season’s average attendance was 5,860 so there’s a way to go but the good news is that trend is up from recent years.

Mimes in Traffic:

The city of Caracas, Venezuela has hired 120 mimes to take to the downtown streets – to remind drivers and pedestrians to obey the traffic laws. The mimes are stationed on street corners to wag their fingers at drivers who speed through red lights and pedestrians that dart across busy traffic.


Apparently if they catch you darting across the street – they pull you back with an imaginary ropes.

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