Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Today is Another Look Unlimited Day


a day to survey your possessions and give surplus items to charity or reuse in another project.


Slow the flow to landfills.

history 101 2

On this date in 1620, one-hundred and forty-nine Pilgrims set sail from England aboard the "Mayflower" bound for the New World.


Music History 101: September 6th, 1990: a Canadian singer who had a huge hit by that name became a U.S. citizen. While he was being sworn in, police towed away his car. It was Paul Anka

paul anka

The 101 number one song of the Day was recorded by a man tagged by the press as a Bob Dylan ripoff.

It’s easy to see why he was considered to be a copy because he wore a denim cap, played a harmonica attached to a neck harness and sang what sounded like folk songs. But when Dylan came to Britain and the two met face to face at a hotel, the two emerged as obvious friends, the media’s attitude shifted to a more favorable stance. Eventually his music evolved and as his image changed from wandering minstrel to flower child, the distinction between the two became much clearer. And on September 6, 1966, he owned the number one song in America – something that Dylan was never able to do…Here’s Donovan with the 101 number one song of the day – Sunshine Superman

Listen for the replay and win Dickey’s BBQ!

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