Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It’s The Dow Jones Industrial Average Will Going Up Day


(We hope anyway)

Standard & Poor’s said one of the reasons behind the downgrade of the country’s credit rating is the dysfunctional nature displayed during the debt ceiling crisis. They say it demonstrated the political parties unwillingness to work together to get our fiscal house in order.

-So after the downgrade the political parties started blaming each other. Kind of makes the point, doesn’t it?


KC told a joke today about an ostrich and that led to a comment about their faces -


pretty expressive, aren’t they?

ostrich 2

History 101: 1974: Gerald Ford became the first non-elected President of the U.S. after Richard Nixon resigned.

ford and nixon

Music History 101: 1967: At the Sunberry Jazz and Blues Festival in England, This rock and roll rebel revved the crowd into such frenzy that festival officials stopped the show, and asked him to leave the stage. It was Jerry Lee Lewis.

jerry lee

The 101 number one song of the day was the first “live” single to go to number one. It was also the first of nine number ones for a youngster who refused to let a major handicap keep him from being a star.

Steveland Morris was born blind in Saginaw, MI. Along with his mother, sister and four brothers, he moved to Detroit where he formed a singing duo with a friend at the tender age of 9. He came to the attention of Brian Holland, one of Motown’s first staff producers who was so impressed that he interrupted his boss, Berry Gordy, Jr. in the middle of steak dinner to tell him that he had just signed a “wonder-kid.” Gordy was just as impressed, especially with his live performances so he decided to release one of them as a single. The song in question, however, was over seven minutes long so it was divided into two parts. DJs across the country preferred the second side to the first and as such Part II began climbing the charts and by August 9, 1963 it was number one for the now re-named: Little Stevie Wonder (Fingertips Part II)

Listen for the replay and win!

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