Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Courtesy Appreciation Day


a time to thank those who are courteous. 

Today is also Talk Intelligently Day.


Okay, maybe not the best choice but what the heck.

History 101: 1967: The U.S. Senate confirmed Thurgood Marshall as the first black justice on the Supreme Court.


Music History 101: 1995 – This divorced couple reunited for their first concert together in 16 years on Martha's Vineyard, -James Taylor and ex-wife Carly Simon.

james taylor and carly simon

The 101 number one song of the day took a troubled American band to the top of the Hot 100 with a cover of a British pop reggae song but trouble soon returned and their success was short-lived.

The group was founded by Michael Brown who was a founding member and guiding force behind the Left Banke. But internal problems led to his departure from that group. He met up with Ian Lloyd and they put together a new band and Brown suggested they record a song that was a hit in England by the group Hot Chocolate. During the recording, dissent among the members led Brown to write off his brain child and leave the group. The record got done nonetheless and on August 30, 1973 it was number one in America. But it wasn’t long before the remaining members of the group began arguing again and they broke up soon after. This was their one claim to fame: “Brother Louie and the group - Stories

Listen for the replay and win!

When you head to the Las Cruces Farmers’ Market this weekend, don’t forget to bring some food staples with you to “Stuff the Truck.”
food staples

The Leadership Las Cruces Class of 2011challenges you to step up and make their "Stuff the Truck" event a big success!

Come and "Stuff the Truck" for Casa de Peregrinos' food pantry at noon on September 3, 2011at the Las Cruces Farmers Market. Please bring your food donations, and help us make a big difference in the lives of many! (Location: W. Griggs Ave/Downtown Mall near the Chile Roasters)

If you cannot attend but wish to donate, contact me and I will make arrangements to pick up your donated food items!

Elke Wunderlich

TopView Leadership



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