Friday, June 3, 2011

Today is Love Conquers All Day


Speaking of Love…meet Myla -

cat - mila

She’s about three years old, very cuddly, loves the lap and she needs a new home.  She would make a wonderful companion.  Remember the Latin – “Amor Vincit Omnia.”  Myla’s at the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley

3551 Bataan Memorial
Las Cruces, NM 88012
(575) 382-0018

Now on to other stuff -

Today is also Pull Your Pants Up Day,


a day for hip hop fans to see if they can keep their pants up for 24 continuous hours and enjoy having two free hands for a change.

How far can it go?


History 101: 1888: The poem "Casey at the Bat" by Ernest L. Thayer was published in the San Francisco Daily Examiner.

The author was paid $5.00.

BTW, The Las Cruces Vaqueros are in action tonight against the Carlsbad Bats.

Music History 101: 1982: A private home and estate in Memphis was opened for the first time to the public as a tourist attraction. It was known as Graceland – the home of Elvis.

graceland_gates_large3 graceland

101 number one song of the day was instrumental in transforming a woman who had spent six years going nowhere while recording show tunes into rock and roll royalty.

She had been under contract to Columbia Records where lush orchestral arrangements did nothing to take her considerable talents and turn her into a star. A producer at Atlantic Records – Jerry Wexler - was sure she’d connect with the public if only she abandoned the Broadway stuff and return to her roots in gospel music. It was that kind of style and energy that would unleash her rather remarkable vocal powers and get her the respect she deserved. And as it just so happens, the late great Otis Redding had written just the right song that would complete the transformation from show tune singer to the person who would become the Queen of Soul. And so it is…the 101 number one song of the day rose to the top of the charts on June 3, 1967 for Aretha Franklin. (Respect)

Listen for the 101 Number One Song of the Day replay–caller number ten wins a $30 gift certificate to Texas Roadhouse.

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