Wednesday, May 25, 2011

National Tap Dance Day

cat -tapdancing-and-you-are-drunk

Bill Robinson, considered one of the greatest tap dancers ever was born on this day in 1878.  He was known as-

mr bojangles

Mr. Bojangles.

It is also National Senior Health and Fitness Day.

buff senior

Be careful though.  Yesterday we learned about “boomeritis” which is the name being applied to senior who exercise so much that they’re having to get their hips and knees replaced.

This is also ‘Geek Pride Day’ -


Huh?  No not “Greek” pride it’s “Geek” pride.

and in case you were wondering, they picked this date because on May 25th, 1977 – Star Wars premiered. The organizers have a list of ‘geek rights’ on their web site, including – the right not to like football; the right not to leave your house; the right to be out of style and the right to be overweight and nearsighted.


Since we, inadvertently mentioned the Greeks and since they invented the Olympic Games, that brings us to History 101: On May 25, 1936, American athlete Jesse Owens broke five world's records at the Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, embarrassing Adolph Hitler blowing his theory about white supremacy.


Music History 101: 1969 - The Hollies recorded "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother."


Guess who played the Piano on that recording?



The 101 number one song of the day was the product of a group headed by the musically prodigious son of a Memphis doctor who became a serious student of mysticism.


By age 11, Maurice White was playing drums in a band with a classmate name Booker T. Jones who would later head up Booker T. & the MGs. White later joined the Ramsey Lewis Trio and travelled to the Middle East, found a new spiritual vision and went on to form a unit of vegetarians who regularly meditated together before performing to achieve a “oneness of mind.” While looking through his astrological chart, White learned he had only earth, air and fire in his Sagittarius sign which provided inspiration for the band’s name that owned the number one song in America on May 25, 1975. He had changed the “air” to “wind” and so that is how they became Earth Wind and Fire. Their number one song on that day in 75 and today’s 101 number one song of the day is “Shining Star.”

Listen for the replay and win tickets to the Southern New Mexico Wine Festival!


When it comes to gut reactions on sexual attraction, women prefer men exhibiting pride or shame to a happy, smiling man, researchers say. Professor Jessica Tracy of the University of British Columbia had more than 1,000 adult participants rate the sexual attractiveness of hundreds of images of the opposite sex engaged in universal displays of happiness (broad smiles), pride (raised heads, puffed-up chests) and shame (lowered heads). The study found women were least attracted to smiling, happy men, preferring men who looked proud and powerful or moody and ashamed, while male participants were most sexually attracted to women who looked happy and least attracted to women who appeared proud and confident.

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