Friday, December 10, 2010

A week from tomorrow…

…some lucky 101 Gold listener wins the Camaro for Christmas.  Maybe you!

Today is Do Something Wild and Crazy with -


It is also National Salesperson’s Day


Here’s something that we hope is an easy sell: convincing someone to give a loving home to Regina –a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Lab mix.  Check out her back:

dog regina 2

and her front

dog regina 1

Regina is about 11 months old and very gentle and loving and she’d make someone a great pet.  She’s at the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley at 3551 Bataan Memorial West.  The Center opens each day at noon.

History 101: December 10, 1607: Captain John Smith left Jamestown, Virginia, on a trip where he would meet Pocahontas.


Music History 101: December 10, 1967: Four members of the Bar-Kays band and their lead singer were killed when their plane crashed into Lake Monoma adjacent to the Campus of the University of Wisconsin, in Madison.

otis obit

It was the crash that killed Otis Redding.


The 101 number one song of the day was the most expensive, elaborate single ever produced when it reached the top of the music world this week in  December, 1966. And many have called it a masterpiece.  It was recorded in 17 sessions over a period of six months, at four different recording studios. It has lots of texture on it because so many overdubs were done. Its creators would double or triple or even quadruple the exact same part so it would sound like twenty voices. It was recorded at multiple studios because each had it own marked sound according to the driving force behind today’s 101 number one song of the day – that was Brian Wilson – It’s the Beach Boys (Good Vibrations)

good vibrations

Money magazine has a list of purchases we hide from our spouses. 86% of us say we’ve hidden a purchase from our mate in the last year. The biggest is clothing and accessories with 43% of women saying they’ve hidden a purchase from their husband – to 24% of men. 19% of men say they’ve hidden an alcohol purchase from their wife…compared to 8% of women. 21% of women have hidden a gift purchase…to 12% of men. And 4% of men say they’ve hidden a purchase on a dating web site from their spouse…to 1% of wives.


-Of course if she catches you with the membership on…we’re not sure the, ‘Well – I didn’t know about the handbag’ defense is necessarily going to even things out…

101 Gold Nugget of Knowledge: A New York greeting card designer has found success with her business model, which includes in-store pole dances. Jill-Anne, owner of Jill-Anne’s on the Lower East Side, said she’s been performing in the store for the past two months and any customers who spend at least $50 on her hand-made greeting cards get a personal pole dance. “Seventy-five percent of the people, when I’m poling, in my store who walk by are women who smile and clap, so it’s not a male lust thing. It’s empowering women thing as well,” Jill-Anne said.

pole dancer

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has checked into a luxury weight loss spa in Miami – that costs $4500 a week! The spa includes experiential showers, aqua-themed bathing experiences, Finnish saunas, outdoor solariums, thermal-heated loungers and deluxe spa suites…all promising to help you shed the pounds.

michael moore

-Apparently Moore became concerned about his weight while in Miami. While relaxing on the beach…several concerned citizens tried to save him by rolling him back into the ocean.

A Toronto couple who put the name of their newborn girl to a Facebook vote said Internet users picked Melania as the infant’s moniker. Rommy and Robert Alpinelli said 2,862 of the participants in the poll of 20,000 people voted for Melania, with Aria in second with 2,853 votes. Rommy said the vote, organized by the website FabFind, was suggested to her by a friend who works for the social commerce site. Voting officially ended at 3 p.m. Tuesday, when baby Melania was born and given her name.


An Idaho sheriff said his “pride is fractured” but nothing else after accidentally shooting himself in the hand. Bannock County Sheriff Lorin Nielsen said he was outside of his Pocatello home admiring a gun he received as a gift from a cousin when he placed his hand on top of the barrel to try putting the hammer back down. Nielsen said his thumb slipped and the gun went off, discharging a bullet through the fleshy part of his hand near his little finger. The sheriff said the bullet didn’t hit any ligaments or tendons. He was treated at a local hospital. “I can say I shot the sheriff,” Nielsen joked.

Lorin Nielsen

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