Monday, December 6, 2010

Today is International Bad Hair Day.

What bad hair day would be complete without a picture of Phil Specter?


It is also National Pawnbrokers Day.

pawnbroker symbol

The Traditional Legend of the Three Balls. The symbol of the three balls was part of the coat of arms of the Medici family, who established the Medici trading and banking empire in Florence, Italy. The Medicis were a 15th century Italian family of bankers and lenders, with considerable fame and fortune. They became so well known in the finance and lending profession that the other lenders, wanting to share in their success, adopted similar coats of arms, signs, shields and symbols, with three golden balls being the most popular. Once other merchants involved in monetary dealing adopted the three golden balls as their symbol, the three balls came to symbolize the entire profession founded on the ethic of mutual trust.   The symbol of the three golden balls was brought to the United States from England, where pawnbrokers still display the symbol to this day.

History 101: December 6th, 1924: The U.S. Border Patrol is organized.

border patrol

Music History 101: December 6th, 1986 the first Beatle to use his name in an advertisement, was ---Ringo Starr for Sun Country wine coolers.

The 101 number one song of the day was designed to be so inferior that disc jockeys would immediately recognize it as the “B” side it was intended to be. It did not turn out that way.   Gary De Carlo was signed by Mercury Records to do several songs, each of them he felt deserved to be “A” sides. The song you’re about to hear was dug up and slapped together late one night to back one of the other songs to be released as a single. The song came in at two minutes so in order to further insure that DJs wouldn’t play it, they lengthened it to four minutes by adding a chorus. But there weren’t any words to the chorus so they just made it up as they went along. The head of the label liked the song and thought it was deserving of a main side. However, Gary De Carlo was upset that his other songs were had to take a back seat to this one and refused to have his name attached to it and for that matter to promote it by performing the song. As it shot up the charts – arriving at number one on December 6, 1969, another group was recruited and they made up a name for them. That name was “STEAM” and here’s your 101 number one song of the Day (Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye)

na na hey hey

There were trailers all over the Internet this weekend for a new Mel Gibson movie that could be coming out this Spring. The Jodie Foster-directed movie is about a seriously depressed man who is finally able to reconnect with his family and the outside world – through the use of a beaver hand-puppet. He walks around in the whole movie letting his beaver puppet do his talking. The movie is called ‘The Beaver’.

-They say the movie was made a year and a half ago…but they wouldn’t release it after the Mel Gibson melt-down occurred. Apparently the fact it was a movie about a man with a beaver hand-puppet…wasn’t a problem.

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