Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Today is National Young Readers Day

a time to remind folks of the joys and importance of reading for young people.


This book got a whole generation started reading 13 years ago.

It’s also Fluffy Towel Appreciation Day.

towels 2

History 101, November 9th, 1989: Germans danced atop the Berlin Wall as communist East Germany threw open its borders, allowing citizens to travel freely to the West for the first time in 28 years.

berlin wall

Music History 101: November 9th, 1963: the dirtiest song never written entered Billboard’s Hot 100 . The song, about a bartender named Louie, actually was squeaky clean, but the lyrics were hard to understand and rumors spread that they were dirty. The Kingsmen with "Louie Louie."


The 101 number one song of the day was intended for an audience of one. The songwriter never wanted the public to hear the song he had composed especially for his brother…who had a speech impediment. He stuttered. So the writer and lead singer deliberately stuttered on the song and planned on sending it to his brother who’d then have the only copy in the world. Obviously, it didn’t work out that way. The band was working on their third album when the head of the label said he didn’t hear the “magic” and asked if they had anything else to offer. The only thing that available was the song you’re about to hear and it was offered up with great reluctance because of the personal nature of it. The executive said it was better than everything else so the writer agreed to include it on the LP only if he could re-record it without the stutter. He tried but he said he sounded like Frank Sinatra. So the original was used and the rest is history as it wound up at number one on November 9, 1974 for Randy Bachman and Bachman Turner Overdrive. (You ain’t Seen Nothing Yet)


other stuff:

Did you ever have a good feeling about something and it turned out just right?  That’s what happened on Wheel of Fortune the other day.  Check out this video:

Queen Elizabeth II is now on Facebook.


But don’t expect her to be your online friend. Britain’s queen has launched a series of official pages offering the site’s users daily updates on her activities. Users will be able to leave messages or comments for Buckingham Palace, but because the pages are corporate and not a personal account, people won’t be able to request to become friends with the queen.

This is Drowsy Driving Prevention Week, a National Sleep Foundation public awareness campaign to educate drivers about sleep safety.


Two out of every five drivers (41%) admit to having fallen asleep at the wheel at some point, with one in 10 saying they’ve done so in the past year, according to a new AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study. More than a quarter admitted they drove despite being so tired that they had difficulty keeping their eyes open. Drowsy driving involves about one in six deadly crashes; one in eight crashes resulting in occupant hospitalization. Studies show that being awake for more than 20 hours results in impairment equal to a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08. It is also possible to fall into a 3-4 second microsleep without realizing it. Pull over if you exhibit these warning signs:

· Difficulty focusing, frequent blinking and/or heavy eyelids.

· Difficulty keeping daydreams at bay.

· Trouble keeping your head up.

· Drifting from your lane, swerving, tailgating and/or hitting rumble strips.

· Inability to clearly remember the last few miles driven.

· Missing exits or traffic signs.

· Yawning repeatedly.

· Feeling restless, irritable, or aggressive.

Find out more at www.AAAFoundation.org.

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