Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Public Restroom Hand Dryer Appreciation Day

hand dryer

We got to talking about this and we both agreed that we preferred paper towels.  But remember those linen towels on a roll?


They were the worst because you had to touch the grubby used part from the person who was in the restroom before you just to get to the clean part.

It’s also National Take A Hike Day.


No public restrooms out in the woods…

History 101 – November 17th, 1973: U.S. President Richard Nixon told Associated Press managing editors in Orlando, Florida, "People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook."

Music History, November 17th, 1990: This rock and roller was rocked bigtime when he crashed his motorcycle in Los Angeles and broke a shoulder, left leg, and ankle. Police said the speeding singer wasn't wearing a helmet, either. It was David Crosby.

david crosby on motorcycle

The 101 number one song of the day was supposedly inspired by a line in a movie spoken by Clark Gable. It was recorded by a group that recorded at various times under 13 different names. Among them were the Variatones, The Four Lovers, Billy Dixon and the Topics and the Village Voices. Even after the struggling years and they were established as one of America’s most successful groups they resorted to a false name one more time with a 1965 released of Bob Dylan’s “Don’t Think Twice” under the name the Wonder Who? On November 17, 1962 they reached the top of the chart for the second time in their career with the song inspired by a line in a movie which happened to be, “Big Girls Don’t Cry” -- The Four Seasons.

four seasons

Other stuff:

Having a positive attitude and being around positive people pays off.


Reader’s Digest says not only do people prefer being around optimists, they...:

· Are 9% less likely to develop heart disease.

· Are only 77% as likely to be re-hospitalized after some types of major surgery.

· Have blood pressure that’s five points lower than the norm, on average.

· Live an average of 5-9 years longer.

The New Oxford American Dictionary has picked “refudiate,” a word former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin used on her Twitter feed, as word of the year.

sarah palin

Oxford University Press said the word coined by the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee is the U.S. dictionary’s word of the year, with the definition reading, “verb used loosely to mean ‘reject.’” Oxford said there is evidence of the word being used prior to Palin’s Twitter postings, but it was her use that brought the word widespread attention. The word was chosen over 10 others on the short list, including:

“bankster” – a predatory banking professional

“crowdsourcing” – using a group of freelancers to work on a task

“gleek” – a fan of Fox TV series “Glee”

“Tea Party” – the anti-tax political movement started in 2009.

“nom nom” – exclamation an expression of delight when eating.

“retweet” – repost or forward a message on Twitter.

“top kill” – a procedure designed to seal a leaking oil well, whereby large amounts of a material heavier than the oil – e.g., mud – are pumped into the affected well.

“vuvuzela” – a long horn blown by fans at soccer matches.

“webisode” – an original episode derived from a television series, made for online viewing.

101 Gold Nugget of Knowledge: Police in North Strabane, Washington, have recovered three rings that a man swallowed after he stole them from his mother. Fifty-three-year-old Robert Spriggs was charged with theft for allegedly stealing the rings, valued at $30,000, while visiting his 81-year-old mother on Saturday. Briggs was held in the Washington County Correctional Facility while officers waited for the man’s digestive system to produce the swallowed rings.


This is Mr. Spriggs mugshot. 

Tomorrow is the Great American Smokeout and here’s another reason to get the people around you to give it up: People who are exposed to the second-hand smoke from others’ cigarettes are at increased risk of hearing loss, new research shows. Doctors already know that people who smoke can damage their hearing. The latest study suggests the same is true of passive smoking. Experts believe tobacco smoke may disrupt blood flow in the small vessels of the ear, which could starve the organ of oxygen and lead to a buildup of toxic waste, causing damage.

ears and smokes

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