Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today is National Change Your Oil Day.


Music History 101: 1962: With Leon Russell playing piano, a single written and recorded by Robert George Pickett reached the top of Billboard Hot 100 on this day – The Monster Mash by Bobby “Boris” Pickett

monster mash

History 101:  1803 The U.S. Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase.  It was big, very big. The Louisiana Purchase encompassed all or part of 14 current U.S. states The land purchased contained all of present-day Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, parts of Minnesota that were west of the Mississippi River, most of North Dakota, nearly all of South Dakota, northeastern New Mexico, the portions of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Continental Divide, and Louisiana west of the Mississippi River, including the city of New Orleans. Napoleon Bonaparte, upon completion of the agreement, stated, "This accession of territory affirms forever the power of the United States, and I have given England a maritime rival who sooner or later will humble her pride.”  Here’s a map-


The 101 number one song of the day came from an album which was named after roadkill which wound up on somebody’s dinner table. The song you’re about to hear as well as the entire album was recorded in Jamaica where one of the members of the group explained that the title of the LP referred to a local delicacy of a run-down goat scraped from the road and boiled up as an entrĂ©e. Goat’s Head Soup is the album name and one of the single’s arrived at number one on October 20, 1973 for the Rolling Stones – “Angie”

goat's head soup

Other Stuff:

Break out the hand sanitizer! A recent study conducted by the University of Arizona in a K-12 school system found that the germiest place at school is the cafeteria table.

school cafeteria

Researchers swabbed classrooms and common area surfaces to determine the relative numbers of total bacteria and on frequently touched. In addition to the cafeteria table, the most contaminated sites include:

· The computer mouse, which harbored nearly twice as many bacteria as desktops

· The bathroom paper towel handle

· Water fountain

· Bathroom sink faucets

· Library table

· Computer keyboard

101 Gold Nugget of Knowledge: A cat from Reno, Nevada, has broken the Guinness world record for world’s longest domestic cat. The 5-year-old Maine Coon named Stewie was certified as the new record holder after measuring 48 1/2 inches from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail bone. That’s a little more than 4 feet long! The previous record was 48 inches.

longest cat

A guy in Tennessee stole a pair of jeans from Wal*Mart by trying them on…and then walking out of the store. He was caught easily enough…when police found his old pants…with his wallet in the pocket…in the changing room.

dressing room

-Which should remind us all…stupid is not a crime. But it is often times an accessory to the crime.

A New York state pizzeria owner convicted of sales tax fraud has been ordered to provide free weekly pizza to the homeless. Joseph Jacobbi, operator of Casa-Di-Pizza, was ordered to pay $25,000 of the $104,295.31 he withheld from the state between March 2004 and the end of May 2008 and was ordered to provide 12 sheet pizzas every Tuesday to the Buffalo City Mission for 52 weeks. The judge left the choice of toppings up to Jacobbi. Jacobbi was also ordered to make 12 monthly restitution payments of $4,400 each to the state to help cover his tax bill.


This is a good warning. Last month, Lady Gaga made headlines when she showed up at the MTV Video Music Awards wearing a dress made out of raw meat. Now butchers are warning people not to wear raw meat costumes for Halloween. You could get sick.

-Not to mention…there could be coyotes in the neighborhood!!


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