Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town!

And it’s tomorrow night!


And he’ll be stopping at Fred Molina’s house at 2133 Calle De Suenos in Las Cruces.  Bring your family, friends, and children to enjoy the lights, visit with SANTA and have your picture taken with Santa at no charge. Lights are on between the hours of 6:00 pm to 9:30pm nightly.


check out the website:

Today is National Cat Herders Day.

cat hearding

Today is also Trivial Pursuit Day, honoring Canadians Chris Haney and Scott Abbott, who created the game on this date in 1979.


History 101: The first 10 amendments to the U.S. constitution became effective when Virginia ratified on this date in 1791.  They are known as the “Bill of Rights.”


Music History 101:  December 15, 1988 the Godfather of Soul was sentenced to 8 years in prison after leading police on a wild two state chase – James Brown.


The 101 number one song of the day was never intended to be taken seriously, something slapped together in 10 minutes as a B side for a song no one will remember. People loved the wrong song but love wasn’t the subject – instead, it was physical conflict.  The one that people were supposed to cater to was called, “I Want to Give You My Everything.” Executives at the record company thought it was okay but they weren’t too excited by it so the asked the producer what was on the flip side. He was almost embarrassed to tell them saying, “it’s just a fun thing, but it won’t really sell.” The executives thought it had some potential because of the unusual subject matter which was gaining a lot of interest in the 70s because of Bruce Lee action movies. They were right and on December 15, 1974 it was the number one song in America for Carl Douglas.  (Kung Fu Fighting)

carl douglas

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