Thursday, October 21, 2010

Today is Take Time to Stop and Watch the Sunset Day.

sunset in Las Cruces

Thanks to Mike Groves Photography for this shot.  For many more great photos of Las Cruces (and many more locations) click on: or go to: 382 Walnut Street, Las Cruces, NM  (575) 526-4048

Today is International Stuttering Awareness Day and Get Smart about Credit Day.


Music History 101: October 21, 1971: A baby girl named Jade was born to parents Bianca and Mick – last name Jagger as in Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones.

mick and bianca

History 101: The US Navy frigate "Constitution" was launched on October 21, 1797 -- though nicknamed "Old Ironsides," it was actually built of hardwood – very, very hardwood.

uss constitution

The 101 number one song of the day was recorded by a man who helped shape the future of rock and roll but it took him 17 long years to get to number one. And to this day many can’t believe it was this song that got him to the top.  He was born in either St Louis or San Jose on either the 15th or the 18th of January or October in either 1926 or 1931. He won’t confirm the date but he will confirm that it was blues master Muddy Waters that got him started in the business. A string of hits in the late 50s established his legend but by the 60s and during the British Invasion, the hits stopped coming. He continued to perform and radio continued to play his early hits but it was not until October 21, 1972 he finally got his one and ONLY number one song – and it is today’s 101 number one song of the day for – Chuck Berry – and here it is – “My Ding-A-Ling”

chuck berry

Other stuff:

Just in time for Halloween – a guy named John Austin has written a self-help book for zombies. It’s called ‘So Now You’re a Zombie – A Handbook for the Newly Undead.’ He says the biggest step is actually acknowledging you’re a zombie. Some of the telltale signs in the book include; a dismal appearance, extreme bouts with insomnia, difficulty with mobility…and the sudden taste for human brains. He also said Halloween is the favorite holiday for zombies…because they can blend in better.


When monkey news breaks out – we break in! There was panic in a Kansas City neighborhood this week when a 300-pound pet chimpanzee got loose and terrorized a suburban street. He started banging on doors and jumped up on the hood of a police car and broke out the car’s windows. After he was captured, the police informed his owner that owning monkeys was illegal in Kansas City. So now the chimp will be sent to an animal sanctuary.

A woman walked into a bank in Lowell, Massachusetts…and asked for change for a $10,000 bill. The teller became suspicious and called police. They determined it was counterfeit. Now this is interesting…we used to have a $10,000 bill…but it’s out of circulation with experts saying there’s maybe 300 still in existence…all in the hands of collectors.


-Kudos to that teller. What really tipped her off was the woman asked for two $4,000 bills…and the rest in twenties.

A woman in England was stopped by park rangers for feeding the ducks. Her crime – according to the rangers – was feeding the ducks unhealthy white bread. They told her to come back with whole wheat or whole grain bread the next time.


-Finally….somebody is tackling duck obesity!!!   Which is amazing in itself…considering they swim every day.

Jon Stewart is planning a big rally in Washington DC next weekend – kind of a liberal answer to the Glen Beck and Tea Party rallies. But there’s a little problem if you plan to attend. The Marine Corps marathon is the same weekend…and the Marines snapped up 800 port-a-lets for their event. So the Stewart rally organizers can’t find enough porta-potties to handle the crowd.


-So if you go…you might not be able…to go.

And finally, at least for today…Remember the movie 2012…and the story about the Mayan calendar? The ancient Mayans had a 4,000 year calendar that showed civilization on earth ending on December 21, 2012. And a lot of people are actually freaked out about it. Now a new book is out…saying the end date for life on earth…has been miscalculated. It could be off as much as 50 to 100 years. The Mayans didn’t screw up…the author says when the Mayan calendar was converted to the Gregorian calendar…they miscalculated.


-Great they tell us now…after we thought…’Who needs a retirement plan???’

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