Thursday, September 23, 2010

Today is Innergize Day…

…a day to set aside time for yourself.

It is also  National Dogs in Politics Day, a day to remember dogs who lived at the White House: Abe Lincoln's Fido, Franklin Roosevelt's Fala, Harry Truman's Mike and Feller, Dwight Eisenhower's Heidi, Lyndon's Johnson's Him and Her, Richard Nixon's Checkers, Ronald Reagan's Lucky and Rex, George Bush's Millie, Bill Clinton's Buddy, and George W. Bush's Barney, and Barack Obama's Bo.


That’s Him…or Her.  Not sure which.

History 101: On this day in 1969, rumors began circulating that this famous rock and roll star had been killed in an auto accident. It was Paul McCartney…The “Paul is Dead” rumor begins with a story in an Illinois newspaper that carries the headline: “Clues Hint At Beatle Death.”


The 101 number one song of the day was recorded by a group so new -it didn’t have a name. So one of the members suggested they have a contest. They were working at a Memphis studio recording the song you’re about to hear. If it was going to be released, they had to call themselves something so during a break, according to songwriter Wayne Carson Thompson, somebody piped up with the comment, “Well, let’s have a contest and everybody can send in fifty cents and – a box top”  And the rest is history. On September 23rd, 1967 “The Letter” by the newly named Boxtops was number one in America.


Other stuff:

An unnamed American volunteered a couple years ago to work with animals in Australia. He ended up working with the Wombat Awareness Organization – trying to save the endangered animal. Now it’s two years later…the American has died…and left eight million dollars in his will for Wombat Awareness.  A cute little wombat baby is pictured below-


And oddly enough…this guy dying did more for wombat awareness than anything else.

The Census Bureau is in hot water for holding their wrap-up meeting for 140 top managers in Las Vegas. The Census spent $100,000 to send selected managers to Vegas – holding a conference on the recent count and how to improve future counts by what they’ve learned. But critics argue they were just spending taxpayers’ money for the Census top dogs to have a lavish vacation.


-You know…if we spent all of our time upset over the way the government spent our money… Wait a minute…we do!!!

New research suggests female college freshmen that move into a dorm room with a heavier than average roommate gain less overall weight during the school year. That seems a little counter-intuitive – but they say it’s because heavier women tend to diet more…exercise more…and take the small meal plans at the cafeteria. And those habits rub off on their skinnier roommates.

freshman 15

Plus – they’ve probably polished off all the Doritos before you even get back from your 1:30 class…

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