Friday, August 20, 2010

Stop and Smell the Dog Day

No kidding!  Here’s a dog that you might want to take home with you.  She’s only about 4-5 months old but won’t grow much beyond 14-15 pounds or so.  Something happened to her before she was picked up by Animal Control and turned over the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley and she lost any eye but it doesn’t seem to bother her much.  She’s very sweet.

dog one eyed willie

The 101 number one song of the day was written by a man named McKay and sung by a trio once known as the Heavenly Sunbeams. The title of the song was the same as a onetime number one by the Eagles. It was an entirely different song though.  Al McKay and the guiding force behind Earth, Wind and Fire – Maurice White had composed the rhythm and a rough outline of the tune and went into the studio to produce a trio of former Gospel singers who were anxious to transition into a secular group. The song reached number one during this week in 1977 for three women whose voices, according to an observer, elicited an emotional response in the form of spinal chills. That observation provided inspiration for their new name: The Emotions – Best of My Love.


In Wisconsin…a man was charged by police with creating a disturbance after he harassed a woman in a grocery store checkout lane. She was in an Express Lane with more than ten items. The man came up behind her and started yelling at her…even calling her fat and ugly. When police were called, he was given a $429 ticket for disorderly conduct.


This is some random guy who we imagine “check-out”  guy to look like.

And you think he has problems. Germany is being overrun with radioactive wild boars. Hunters are killing the wild pigs – but they turn out to be too radioactive to eat. It all has to do with the Chernobyl nuclear accident almost a quarter of a century ago. The pigs eat truffles and mushrooms and soak up the radioactivity from the fallout that’s still in the ground. The government is paying the hunters to turn the dead boars in. Last year, they paid for up to 4,000 radioactive pigs.


-Of course if you want to keep them…you do get a Flintstones sized rack or ribs.

flintstone ribs2

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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